At Home Is Where You Want To Be

Providing Elderly In-Home Care Services

Elderly Care
Helping an elder

We are EXPONENTS for the senior and disabled, supporting their Autonomy, which is “the ability to make choices and decisions with assistance or support according to one’s will and preferences.” 

Our Company Senior Advocates

Aging In Your Place realizes that most clients, when faced with choices of hospitalization or rehabilitation, the result was the place of choice was at home.

Aging In Your Place acknowledges that sometimes patients are forced to remain in facilities and hospitals simply because their inability to perform Activities of Daily Living, (ADL’s) has been hindered by a decline in health, Mental or Physical.

We are here to help. Be the voice and support needed to help you make the right decisions to Age In Place, in the environment you are most comfortable “Home.”

Founder, Administrator
Rhonda A. Johnston

grandma with leaves 2


Clients added to our family